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Telephone: (514) 435-0402
E-mail: victoria@novaktranslation.com


Official Document Translation create a strong sense of fidelity and transparency between the source and targeted languages in question
Marketing Translation
Legal Translation
Financial Translation
Website Translation
Interpretation Services


Welcome to the site of your certified translator!
Successful Business Future, Social and Community Integration, Simplification of Official and Immigration Procedures are only some of the benefits deriving in our globalized world from high quality translation services.
I am proud to be a certified translator*, a member of the OTTIAQ, a member of the Association of Legal Court Interpreters and Translators and I am here to stand behind you in all your professional and personal projects requiring my services.
Among my business partners I may count the judicial, federal, state and provincial authorities, national organizations, different branches of commerce and industry, as well as private customers.
Only highly skilled certified translators can help you avoid double-paying** and costly errors!
* OTTIAQ (Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec) certified translators must comply with a professional code of ethics and regulations in particular, concerning record-keeping and confidentiality. Certified translators are covered by professional liability insurance. They must also submit to an inspection of the quality of their work and management. By taking part in various workshops every year, OTTIAQ’s certified translators keep their skills up to date. Official Document Translation done by a certified translator satisfies the requirements of the legislation in force in different countries, including Canada, the United States, Ukraine, Russia and a number of the CIS and EU countries.